Will a woman “POPE” slip her feet into theses red shoes as previous true
Popes and antipopes have done?
“It is not enough to have altar girls, women readers or women as
president of caritas (charities). Women in the church are more important than
bishops and priests,” just as Mary is more important than the apostles.” (Anti Pope
Are the antipope’s statements intended to be a prelude to women popes?
Are women in the church REALLY more important than bishops and
priests as “pope” Francis says? Let’s see:
Can a woman consecrate the body and blood of Jesus?
Preside over First Holy Communion and Confirmation? Forgive sins and give last rites? Is a woman
able to consummate these holy sacraments while priests and bishops (obviously
LESS important according to “Pope” Francis) are unable to do so?
Statements recently coming out of the mouth of “Pope” Francis have been
uttered with his foot is in his mouth. See “I’m in Favor of Gay Rights and in Any Case,
I also Favor Civil Unions For Homosexuals”: (Antipope Francis in 2010).
Most alarming, his off-the-wall statements have not been in line with Catholic
doctrine, tradition, and teaching. Just because the Vatican ll Church novelties
defy the almost 2000 years of Catholic tradition, does not make this usurped
counterfeit Church or its false popes legitimate or Catholic--especially
concerning women participation in Church affairs.
The Antipope’s Statement: “Mary is more important than the apostles”
has a “ring” of devotion to Mother Mary. To be sure, next to Jesus Himself,
there was never anyone on earth (or in heaven) greater than His Mother. Yet the
Antipope failed to tell that as great as Mother Mary is—she was not designated to be an apostle! It wasn’t because Jesus
didn’t consider Mary holy or capable enough. Obviously, the Mother of God is
head-over-heels greater in holiness and capability compared to the apostles—and
I’m positive that the apostles would concede that fact. No, the reason for Mary
not being part of His apostle team was a clear message from Jesus that women
are not to be involved in church rubrics.
The Catholic Church, under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, has for
almost its 2000 year history rejected women readers, altar girls and women serving
the Holy Eucharist, especially with their un-consecrated hands. “Out
of Reverence for this Sacrament, NOTHING Touches It but what is Consecrated”. (Saint
Thomas Aquinas)
The false Vatican ll Church,
in just about every religious matter, violates the intent of Jesus involving religious
protocol, but especially by placing women in the pulpit. “Let woman keep silent in the
churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the
law saith…For it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church.” (Corinthians
14: 34-35)
“Let the woman
learn in silence, with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor
to use authority over man: but to be in silence.” (1 Timothy 2: 11-12)
Pray the Rosary, wear the Brown Scapular, and pray that antipope
Francis converts to the Catholic Faith.