What’s in store for the dollar? Will it become like the Weimar Papiermark
(the German Mark) of the past that became so hyperinflationary that it was
expedient to print it only on one side because the ink cost more than the
German mark?
Most people don’t know that the U.S. dollar is not printed by the U.S. Government. It’s printed free from U.S.
Government control in contravention to the U.S. Constitution by the Zionist controlled Federal Reserve.
These Federal Reserve printed dollars are only pieces of paper with numbers on
them. They’re not backed by gold and silver held on deposit by the U.S. Treasury
as in the past.
The Federal Reserve is printing currency--not money (money is backed
with assets. Currency is backed with nothing--to a great degree like Monopoly
money) in the same fashion as did the Weimar Republic that became drowned in
debt, inflation, and unemployment. The Zionist
controlled Federal Reserve is recklessly printing currency with no
substance backing it and America is drowning in unsustainable debt, inflation, and
unemployment. If we continue on this path we will go down the toilet just as
did the Weimar Republic. Sadly, this is the direction the Zionist Federal Reserve is taking America and its dollar, but most
Americans have no clue what’s happening.
Weimar Republic is used as only one example of hyperinflation. It
pales with the hyperinflation of Argentina, Zimbabwe and other nations. But our
concern is with the hyperinflation that’s in store for us that’s being “shoved down our throats” by those money
grubber Zionist Bankers and their “pact
with the devil” for a One World Currency, One World Government, and a One
World Religion to be led by their god—Lucifer.
What’s our best defense against these criminal Zionist Bankers? Follow
in the footsteps of Iceland. They bailed out the people and imprisoned all the Rothschild
Zionist Bankers; the opposite of
what America and the rest of Europe did. And guess what? Their inflation rate
of almost 20% has dropped to around 4%. Unemployment has been halved to below
5%, and their economy is on the rise.
Iceland’s recovery is a shining example for countries like Greece,
Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, and especially—the United States to emulate. History
has proven that countries experience growth once they shed the chains of the
parasitic burden of debt to bankers. Germany from 1933-39 is a prime example.
So, will the United States muster-up the courage to duplicate Iceland
by placing these Criminal Zionist
Bankers in the dumpster-or will we continue to be enslaved by them? I know
what I think--What do you think?