On the CBS Morning Show November 13, 2013, “Cardinal” Dolan expressed
his love for his “Catholic Church” by praising past “Catholic Popes”. What
“Popes” did Dolan praise?--Antipopes of the illegal Vatican ll Church. He made no mention or praise of the legitimate Catholic Church or the True Popes that go back to the first
Pope, St. Peter.
Why Did Dolan snub the legitimate Catholic Church and its true Popes?
It may well be the reason that he knows he was ordained in the Protestant Anglican rite--not in the Roman Catholic rite.
Pope Leo Xlll made it inexpugnably clear in his Infallible Bull
Apostolicae Curae: “…We pronounce and
declare that ordinations carried out according to the Anglican rite have been,
and are, absolutely null and utterly void.” Obviously, the Anglican Church
is not the Catholic Church. It does not adhere to the same doctrine of God’s
one true church--the Catholic Church.
“The Church has always regarded as rebels and expelled from the ranks
of her children all who held beliefs on any point of doctrine different from
her own” (Pope Leo Xlll).
Dolan’s Anglican participation is a rebellious doctrine that differs
from the Catholic Faith and is an act of heresy.
Canon 1258 # 1 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law: “It is not permitted at all for the Faithful to assist in any active
manner, or to have any part in the worship of non-Catholics.”
Dolan’s Anglican ordination and participation defies Canon 1258 # 1 of
the 1917 Code of Canon Law and Pope Leo Xlll’s Bull Apostolicae Curae. It’s a
very different doctrine from the Catholic Faith; it’s rebellious; it’s absolutely
null and utterly void; and it’s heretical.
St. Augustine put it this way: If
anyone holds to a single heresy, he is not a Catholic.”
Dolan, being a heretic (by adhering to a different doctrine) is NOT a
Catholic priest, bishop, or cardinal, and, if he were to become a “pope” (which
he closely became during the election of antipope Francis) he would not be much
different than any of the heretical antipopes since John XXlll.
Visiting with Muslims in a mosque in Satan Island Dolan said: “We
love God and he is the same God.” Muslims believe Jesus Christ was only
a prophet like Muhammad, not the divine Son of God. Is this the teaching of the
true Catholic Church? Not at all! This
is the teaching of a heretic! Here’s what the Catholic Church has always
taught: “I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE”. (John
10:30). Not even most Protestants would agree with Dolan’s heretical statement.
Dolan would do well to heed the words of St. Basil the Great: “I wept many tears over my miserable life
and I prayed that I might receive guidance to admit me to the DOCTRINES OF THE TRUE RELIGION.”
Pray the Rosary, wear the Brown Scapular, and pray for the return of
“Cardinal” Dolan to God’s One and Only True Religion.