Tuesday, March 27, 2012

“He was born on 3rd base…and thinks he hit a triple”

Like his predecessor Vatican II popes, Benedict XVI was handed the so-called Papacy on a silver platter. He was “awarded” the title of “Pope” by a group of heretical cardinals. That’s tantamount to be given a free gift while believing his elevation was deserved through merits.

Let’s explore those “merits” of Vatican II and the continuation of them under “Pope” Benedict XVI.

The following statistics are taken from the book titled  “Index of Leading Catholic Indicators: The Church Since Vatican II.”

  • The number of Catholic priests has fallen from 58,000 to 45,000. 
  • In 1965, 1,575 new priests were ordained. In 2002, the number was 450 and, as a result, about 3,000 parishes are today (2002) without priests. 
  • (Keep in mind that since 1968 priests ordained under the Anglican Rite are not valid priests because, Anglican Rite ordinations of Catholic priests were condemned by The Catholic Church prior to Vatican II.) (Also keep in mind these figures were in the year 2002. Now in 2012 ten years later, you can only imagine what the new numbers would be under the rein of Benedict XVI.)  Emphasis added by Bill Metallo.
  • Between 1965 and 2002, the number of seminarians fell from 49,999 to 4,700, a decline of over 90 percent.  Two-thirds of the seminaries open in 1965 have since closed their doors.
  • The number of Catholic nuns, 180,000 in 1965, has fallen by 60 percent. Their average age is now 68. The number of teaching nuns has fallen 94 percent since the close of Vatican II. 
  •  The number of young men studying to be Jesuits has fallen by 90 Percent and of those studying to be Christian Brothers by 99 percent.
  • Almost half the Catholic schools open in 1965 have closed.
  • There were 4.5 million students in Catholic schools in the mid-1960’s. Today there’s about half that number.
  • Only 10 percent of lay religious teachers in 2002 accepted church teaching on contraception; 53 percent believed a Catholic woman could get an abortion and remain a good Catholic; 65 percent said Catholics have a right to divorce and remarry; and in a New York Times poll, 70 percent of Catholics ages 18 to 54 said they believed the Holy Eucharist was but a “symbolic reminder” of Jesus.
  • Where three in four Catholics attended Mass on Sunday in 1958, today one in four do.
All this happened during the rein of antipopes Paul VI and John Paul II ending in the year 2002. Can you envision how much more disastrous the damage has become since anti popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI has been declared “popes” up until this current date of 2012? Now let’s look back to the previous years of Vatican II under the True Pope, Pius XII.

In that period, the number of Catholics and priests in America doubled; Parochial schools and Catholic high schools could not be built fast enough to accommodate the baby boomers of Catholic parents; Masses were full on Sundays and there were long lines outside the confessionals on Saturday; Sundays were kept holy; Shops and most businesses were closed because, the Church taught to keep holy the Sabbath Day. Compare that to what you hear being taught today in the Vatican II Church. When did you hear, if ever, a sermon telling you to keep the Sabbath Day holy?

Scripture is bursting at the seams with passages showing the Sabbath Day is to be kept holy. The Baltimore Catechism at 82-358 sums it up precisely:  “The third Commandment forbids all unnecessary servile work and whatever else may hinder the due observance of the Lord’s Day” and another Catechism reading states: “Every Christian should avoid making unnecessary demands on others that would hinder them from observing the Lord’s Day.”

The papacy of Pius XII was a time of explosive growth in the church, while that of the Vatican II “popes” coincided with Catholic scandal and decline.

These Vatican II “popes’ are likened to Dracula being placed in charge of the blood bank. They have no concept of what is Catholic and what is not. It doesn’t matter what cassock the Vatican II usurpers wear, they are cesspools of corrupt “popes, cardinals, and bishops”.

Isn’t it time for you Vatican II “Catholic’s” to stop believing in the tooth fairy the New Catholic Church is trying to ram down your throats?

There’s a solution, you know…leave that counterfeit Vatican II church and come back to the Traditional Catholic Church--the Church and Holy Mass the way it always has been since it’s inception; continues with the inception of the true Mass today; and will remain forever to be God’s one and only unchanged Church that He Himself established.

“As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone preach a gospel to you other than that which you have received, let him be anathema!” (Galatians 1:9)

Pray the Rosary, wear the Brown Scapular, and pray for the conversion of those fallen away Vatican II clerics.

Monday, March 19, 2012

“Question: Can an ex-communicated Catholic ex-communicate a Catholic?”

Question: Can a Jehovah’s Witness become the pope?

Obviously we know the answers to these questions…one must be a Catholic to become the pope of the Roman Catholic Church, therefore, a Catholic cannot be ex-communicated by a non-Catholic.

So, if a non-Catholic is elected to the papacy-- what effect does that have on the Catholic Church? Is the papacy still valid if a Jehovah’s Witness or any other non-Catholic sits in the Chair of Peter? The answer is simple--absolutely not. But that’s what we have had sitting in the Chair of Peter since Vatican II in the “Catholic” Church—a string of invalid “popes”.

Consider this scenario: anti pope John Paul II illegally ex-communicated Archbishop Marcel Lefervre of the SSPX, a bona fide Catholic bishop who had valid Orders, for legally consecrating new bishops.

Consider these facts:

Pope Paul IV (1559-1566) defined the following in his Papal Bull Cum ex Apostolatatus Officio, February 15, 1559:

“If ever it should appear that any bishop even one acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch. Or Primate, or a Cardinal, or the Roman Pontiff, has beforehand deviated from the Catholic faith or fallen into any heresy, we enact, we decree, we determine, and we define: Such promotion or election in and of itself, even with the agreement and unanimous consent of all the Cardinals, shall be legally invalid, and void.”

The 1917 Code of Canon law states:

“Through notorious and openly divulged heresy, the Roman Pontiff, should he fall into heresy, by the very fact (ipso facto) is deemed to be deprived of the power of jurisdiction even before any declaratory judgment by the Church…A pope who falls into public heresy would cease ipso facto to be a member of the Church; therefore, he would cease to be head of the church.”

The 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia states: “The Pope himself, if notoriously guilty of heresy, would cease to be Pope because he would cease to be a member of the Church.”

In other words: “A doubtful pope is no pope.”

The Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Catholic Church states:

“Those who are faithful to the Magisterium are those who are faithful to what all the popes throughout history have dogmatically taught or set forth as what the Catholic Church has ALWAYS held.”

Papal infallible proclamations, canon law, and the Magisterium MUST be followed by every Catholic to remain a Catholic.

For verification that all the Vatican II “popes” are heretics deserving of ex-communication, click on the articles posted here at the Shrine of Our Lady of LaSalette. The various articles will prove their heresies.

Question: Do two wrongs make a right?

Although the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) is currently facing an ultimatum issued by the Vatican, one must ask: Why is the SSPX even playing “footsies” with those heretics in the usurped Vatican?

The SSPX is making a grave and sinful mistake by even acknowledging that group of heretics as being legitimate!

Can two wrongs make a right? Never! The SSPX needs to smarten-up and quit accepting those Vatican II anti popes as true popes and get back into the Traditional Catholic Church where they should be.

Pray the Rosary and wear the Brown Scapular.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

“…The Zionist-Satanists Cabal…”

This article is presented to reveal the true facts of Zionism—the house of Rothschild--and its Satanist networks. And to make known its affiliates whether related by blood, different family names due to marriage, or by its Zionist puppets. It makes known their affiliation in banking, government, media, businesses and their intention to impose a global world order that’s led by their god—SATAN.

Exposed is a list of Zionist-Satanist…many whom you already know and others that may surprise you.

“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent”--Rothschild-Zionist, Paul Warburg    February 17, 1950, as he testified before the United States Senate.

First, let me be clear--ANTI-ZIONISM is NOT ANTI-SEMITISM…All Jews are not Zionists. Most Jews abhor Zionism and detest what it stands for. However, Zionists attempt to convince everyone that by speaking out about Zionist it refers to all Jews. They seduce this propaganda so that they can brand the goyim as anti-Semites and racists.

So let’s by-pass the propaganda that says speaking out about Zionist means Anti-Semitism and get down to the truth of the matter—which is--Satan’s plan to control the world, destroy Jesus’ one and only true Church, the Catholic Church, and, take to Hell with him all of God’s children. What is Satan’s plan to accomplish this? The use of Zionists, the Illuminati, false religions and by any other means that he can, especially by using Zionist inspired Christian clergy.

Turn on your TV to religious channels and count how many “Christian” preachers support these Zionists. When you listen to them you could almost feel like you’re in a Synagogue listening to a Rothschild rabbi giving a sermon about the “merits” of Zionism.

Zionist puppet, John Hagee teaches that Jews are already saved by race if they follow the teachings of the Torah or Bible. According to Hagee, if they follow the teachings of the Torah they don’t need salvation through Christ.

In Jesus’s own words: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man commeth to the Father, but by me.” (John 14: 6)

Why does Hagee sound like a preaching rabbi? Could it be its because he’s the founder and National Chairman of the Christian-Zionist organization, “Christians United for Israel”?

If you get only news from the Zionist controlled mainstream media and watch only TV religious channels, you would be brainwashed (for the most part) into believing that all Christians support Judaism and Zionism includes all Jews.

Many Jews abhor the demands by the Rothschild Zionists for a U.S. attack on Iran. Do you hear about the objection these Jews have for an attack against Iran coming from the Zionist mainstream media?  You won’t!

The Rothschild Zionists have a network of enterprises that include banking empires, news medias, Organizations such as B’nai B’rith, the Anti Defamation League, and the control of governments--including the United States.  They are the real rulers of America. They have control of global finance and commerce, and many other organizations, including puppet politicians in many foreign countries.
Make no mistake about it--Satan is behind it all and he’s having a “field day” with these Zionists and their puppets, the Illuminati, political warmongers, and “Christian” stooges.

Keep in mind that only 1.6 of the population in the United States is Jewish and most of them are not Zionists. So, you can see how just a few people control so many people--much like how our 535 plus politicians control the 330,000,000 million population in the United States. 

The following is a partial list of the Zionists and non-Jewish Zionists that Satan uses. This list starts with the personnel Obama appointed after his election to the presidency. This will give you an idea of how the few dictate to the many through the Zionist-Satan cabal.

Rothschild Zionist, DAVID AXELROD, White House Senior Advisor; Rothschild Zionist, RAHM EMANUAL, White House Chief of Staff; Rothschild Zionists, TODD STERN and CAROL BROWNER, in charge of global warming; Rothschild Zionist, TIMOTHY GEITHNER, Treasury Secretary; Rothschild Zionist, LARRY SUMMERS, Director of the White House National Economics Counsel; Rothschild Zionist, PETER ORSZAG, Budget Director; Rothschild Zionist, GEORGE SOROS, one of Obama’s biggest fund-raisers; Rothschild Zionist, BEN BERNANKE, re-appointed by Obama to the Federal Reserve. And many others including Vice President, Joe Biden. This is what Joe Biden said on Israeli TV:  “I’m a Zionist”.

John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham, known as the ”The Three ‘Stooges’”, The “Axis of Error” and “The Zionist Crusaders” are Rothschild Zionist warmonger puppets. Their rhetoric has been, and continues to be, extremely favorable to wars--that’s plural!

These three are putting on a façade as “good Americans”, but in actuality they’re undermining the United States by placing Israel BEFORE the United States.  It’s fair game to ask: Where does their loyalty lie? Is it with America or Israel? 

It appears that Israel intends is to have the United States enter into Middle East wars to keep themselves from entering the wars they seek, and, prefers to fight Iran with American blood.
If these warmongers get their way, Iran and Syria will be the United States 184th and 185th engagement in warfare in its 236th year history. 

Who benefits from wars? The Zionist bankers and the Industrial-Military complex—their “mouths water” in wars!  Do you recall President Eisenhower’s warning against the Industrial-Military Complex? This “Toxic Trio” has either forgotten those words of Eisenhower--or they are simply brushing them aside! 

One must ponder this question? What would the Military Industrial complex do if there were no more “enemies” to fight? 

The Rothschild Zionist elites are not limited to only the United States. French President Sarkozy is a Rothschild Zionist with Jewish roots; British Prime Minister David Cameron is a Rothschild Zionist with Jewish roots; German Chancellor Merkel is a Rothschild Zionist puppet; Tony Blair is a Rothschild Zionist puppet that received a one million dollar “peace prize” from Israel; Gordon Brown is a Rothschild Zionist puppet; These named “high ups” represent just a few of the many Zionists in power positions. 

We see an extraordinary number of Zionists in key positions throughout the world. And, as demonstrated, one needs not be a Jew to be a Zionist crusader.

Reiterating the Federal Reserve, the following is a list of the heads of that non-governmental privately held Rothschild-Zionist-controlled bank. You’ll notice that both Republican and Democrat presidents have “appointed” Chairmen to the Federal Reserve. The term appointed is used loosely--they’re not appointed--presidents are told who the Chairman will be. This list shows the names of the presidents that have appointed or re-appointed Chairmen to the Fed.

CHAIRMAN of FED                       
Charles Hamlin
William P.G. Harding
Warren G. Harding   
Daniel Crissinger
Roy Young
Eugene Myers
F.D. Roosevelt
Republican     Democrat
Eugene Black
F.D. Roosevelt
Marriner Eccles
F.D. Roosevelt     
Thomas McCabe
Wm McChesney Martin, Jr.
J.F. Kennedy
L.B. Johonson
Arthur Burns
G. William Miller
Paul Volcker
Alan Greenspan
G.H. Bush
G.W. Bush
Ben Bernanke
G.W. Bush
B. Obama

One needs not be a rocket scientist to determine who controls the United States Government. The above list of Zionists and their puppets should leave no doubt in ones mind who’s in charge. As previously said, Satan is behind it all and he uses all means at his disposal to achieve his objective. What is Satan’s objective…its to take all of mankind with him on his journey to Hell?

It’s so sad that the above named Zionists and their dupes are so willing to give up eternity with God in Heaven for eternity with Satan in Hell… And surely, that’s where they’ll end up unless they convert and stop doing the bidding of Satan.

“It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10: 31)

Pray the Rosary and wear the Brown Scapular. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

“…The evolution of bankers…”

‘The desire of money is the root of all evils’(Tim.6: 10)

Bankers today, in the eyes of some, if not most people, are looked upon with respect and admiration. After all, they’re astute businessmen that accumulated great wealth and should be admired for what they have accomplished…right? 

Well, let’s take a look into the evolution of bankers and see how they accumulated their vast sums of money and, if they truly are held in high esteem.

John 2:14 records: “And (He) Jesus found in the temple…money changers at their tables. And making a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple…and He poured out the money of the money changers and overturned the tables.” 

Obviously, Jesus did not hold these money changers in a very high esteem. To the contrary, by taking a whip to them, He showed a great disdain for them.

These biblical money changers were the precursors to the  Rothschilds, Rockefellers and that bunch of worldly Zionist bankers and shylocks that emerged in New York City and other cities around the world. These, Jewish shylocks would show up just about everywhere where they could make a profit by loaning money at a usury rate.  Later, they would put on the mask of legitimacy and “prestige” and call themselves BANKERS.

The modern day bankers accumulate vast fortunes by using “legal usury” with the help of politicians. Example: Joe Biden didn’t earn the nickname “Credit Card Joe” without good reason. He sold his house to a top executive of the credit card company NBNA (now owned by Bank of America) at a “sweetheart deal”; his son fresh out of law school was quickly made a Vice President of NBNA; and, NBNA was Joe’s top contributor in his election campaigns, which also was George W. Bush’s biggest campaign contributor in 2000 and 2004.

Did you notice: A Democrat AND a Republican? Is it any wonder that only 9% of the American people trust any of their politicians? And of those “trustworthy” 9%--if their families and employees were excluded--what then would the percentage of trust be?

These modern day money grubbing bankers haven’t changed one iota since the days of Jesus when they were zinging their fellow man in the temple, except to expand into Central Banking. Apparently think they can attach a U-Haul to their hearse and take this ill-gotten money with them. Here’s a good piece of advise to them from St. Alphonsus:

“Man’s life is short: he comes forth as a flower, and is destroyed. (Job 14:1,2)  The Lord commanded Isaias to preach this very truth: ‘Cry’, He said to him, ‘all flesh is grass…indeed the people is grass. The grass is withered, and the flower is fallen’ (Is. 40: 6,7).  The life of man is like the life of a blade of grass. Death comes, grass withers, and behold life ends, and the flower falls of all greatness and all worldly goods.”

Our next blog, “The Zionist-Satanist Cabal” will have much, much, more on the Rothschild Zionist bankers. Stay tuned in.

Pray the Rosary and wear the Brown Scapular.