Capuchin Monastery - Brno, Czech Republic. - Source Unknown
observation is not only that of St. Athanasius, it’s corroborated by many other
Saints including St John Eudes, St. Thomas Aquinas, Pope St. Gregory the Great and
Pope Leo Xll amongst others.
do these Saints agree that so many Catholic bishops pave the floor of hell with
their skulls? The answer is simple. All that’s needed to understand why these
Saints confer on this issue is to observe how a great number of heretic Cardinals,
Bishops and Popes of the pre-Vatican Church and the heretic Cardinals, Bishops
and false Popes of Vatican ll maltreated the teachings of Christ. (This is not
to say that all previous Cardinals, Bishops and Popes fall into the category of
not following the teachings of Jesus).
prime example is the heretic false Pope Francis (who actually has not been a
bona fide Catholic Cardinal, Bishop or now Pope by virtue of canon law) who
makes “light” of abortions, gay marriage, contraception, and many of the other teachings
Our Lord Jesus taught against.
Bergoglio says: “We have to find a new
balance, otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like
a house of cards, losing the freshness and fragrance of the Gospel.”
rock has Bergoglio been hiding under? The “freshness and fragrance” of the Gospel
has been lost ever since these Vatican heretics usurped the true Catholic
Church and the “house of cards” have already fallen under the spell of Vatican
must also wonder…where shall the skulls of heretic Bishops such as Timothy
Dolan (now Cardinal) wind-up if they continue in their ungodly ways?