It’s as low as you can get
So, where next will the Vatican II Church lower itself? They’ve already committed a massacre of the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Can the Vatican II Church stoop lower than it already has?
Let’s take a peek into of what they’ve already done.
Under Vatican II, we see the “Popes” praying with false religions. They preach to non-Catholics, telling them that their religion is good and praiseworthy. John Paul II prayed with false religions in Assisi and kissed the Koran. Benedict XVI prayed with Jews for the coming of their messiah and prayed with the Moslems in the Blue Mosque facing Mecca. They no longer teach that non-Catholics must convert to be saved. They turned their back on Jesus by relocating the Tabernacle out of the church while placing emphasis on the people by facing them. They replaced the alters with Protestant tables, abolished the kneeling rails. Removed statues of the Blessed Virgin, St Michael and the Saints and eliminated just about everything Sacred to Our Lord Jesus. What Next? How about a statue of Lucifer? Why not? Has he not accomplished what he set out to do via the Vatican II Church?
The removal of images of Saints, especially the greatest of all Saints, the Blessed Virgin Mary, is a true slap in the face to Our Lord Jesus whom dearly loves His Mother. Removing the Blessed Virgin puts the Vatican II Church in the same category as TV Evangelist, Pat Robertson. Heretic Pat, on his 4-26-2011 TV “show”, reduced the Virgin Mary to a Nobody. He claimed that Our Lord did not respond to the request of His Mother at the wedding of Cana for the wine, the response was from His Heavenly Father. He said, the Virgin Mary can not intercede with Jesus for our prayers. This, of course, is standard talk among Protestants. But how is that so much different from the Vatican II Church? What is the message to be given to those Protestants when statues and images of Our Lord’s Mother are removed?
The false Vatican II Church and the heretic Pat need to heed what both St. Bernard and St. Bonaventure say: “She (Mother Mary) is so full of love that no one who asks for her intercession is rejected, no matter how sinful he may be.”