Follow these simple instructions and you’re on your way to sainthood
in the fashion and footsteps of “Holy” John Paul ll.
1. Emulate the heretic John Paul ll. Kiss the Koran the book that teaches:
be to God who has never begotten a son; who has no partner in His Kingdom”.
2. Go to a Muslim Mosque, take off your shoes, proclaim that Muslims
and Catholics “WORSHIP” the same
God, and, teach that “THE GOD OF THE
MUSLIMS” will judge humanity on the last day, as John Paul ll did.
3. Pray as a Jew before the Wailing Wall and honor the Jews that crucified our
Lord Jesus, as John Paul ll did.
4. Go to a Jewish Synagogue,
bow your head with the Jews and pray for the coming of their “MESSIAH”, and say the Old Covenant is
still alive, as John Paul ll did.
5. Do not denounce the Jewish Talmud (the book that says Jesus
is burning in hell in hot excrement), as John Paul ll so lacked courage to
6. Do as John Paul ll did…bow before the Buddhist Patriarch and say: “…I address
a particular greeting to the members of the Buddhist tradition as they prepare
to celebrate the festivity of the Coming of the LORD Buddha”.
7. Praise the pagan and idolater Mahatma Gandhi who worshiped false
gods and say: “Today as a pilgrim of peace, I have come here (to India) to pay homage
to Mahatma Gandhi, hero of humanity”, as John Paul ll did.
8. Go to Assisi and pray with the pagan Dalai Lama while he places a
Buddhist statue on the Holy Tabernacle in your presence in the
church that St. Francis built. And while
you’re there in Assisi, pray with the Animists that pray to the “Great Thumb”; receive a “Blessing” in the pagan ritual by an Indian Shaman; and allow the Voodoo high priest to come to the
pulpit to GIVE A SERMON, as John Paul ll did.
These represent only a smidgen of the “SAINTLY” things that John Paul ll did to “EARN” HIS SAINTHOOD. His heresies are too many to post in one
article. For more on the heresies of John Paul ll see the Shrine Website
article: “Look
Who’s Gonna Be Made A Saint”.
So if you wish to become a “SAINT” do exactly what the Catholic Church
has always forbidden under pain of mortal sin; follow in the footsteps of John
Paul ll; emulate him and lay praise upon those that defy the teachings of Our
Lord Jesus Christ--just as the “SAINT TO BE” John Paul has egregiously done.
This will make you a “SAINT”—unfortunately—it will be in Satan’s church.