‘The best Congress
Zionist money can buy’
The Zionists have
America by the jugular…from the outside (Israel) and from the inside (U.S.
In both the Senate and
the House, Zionists have infiltrated more seats than at any time in history.
They chair Senate and House committee’s that oversee every aspect of America’s
affairs and every Zionist and Zionist shill in the 112 Congress supports the
Satan controlled state of Israel.
There’s 13 Jews in the
Senate and 32 the House. That’s 8.4 % while the population of Jews in the
United States is 1.7% of the population. With Billions of dollars to promote
Jewish candidates through Political Action Committees (PACS), these Zionist
Jews have the financial advantage over Gentile candidates (the goyim)—and over
American political policies.
Interjection: Jews are NOT Zionists and Zionists are NOT
“I know thy
tribulation and thy poverty, but thou are rich: and thou art blasphemed by them
that say they are Jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.” (Apocalypse 2: 9)
The Jewish
encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol.5, page 41, states: “Edom is in modern Jewry.
Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob (Israel) for some ‘Red’
pottage…therefore was his name called Edom.” (Gen.25: 30). Edom means ‘RED’.
“Red communisim” (created by Jews), are Jews
not Israelites. They are Zionists that follow the Talmud and are not
representative of the Jews (Israelites) that follow the Torah.
The Talmud’s primary
law is: Mongrel Jews (Zionists) are the highest life form on earth. Christians
are considered inferior animals and slaves at best.
When one asserts a
righteous indignation against a Jew, it’s always portrayed as ‘anti-Semitism’,
but when the Talmud is directed against Jesus and Christianity using the most
vehemently hateful literature imaginable, it’s NOT anti-Christianity. For example:
The book of Sanhedrin
slanders Jesus asserting that the Lord is deserving of “decapitation”, “stoning
to death”, “burning in dung”, “strangling in dung”, “hanging” and
“crucifixion”. It teaches that Jesus was an illegitimate bastard conceived to a
prostitute during menstruation (Kallah, 1 b, 18 b and Sanhedrin 67 a). That
Jesus in now in Hell “boiling in hot excrement” (Gittin 57 a) The Babylonian
Talmud uses “Semen”.
Zionists do not
considerer these Talmud expletives anti-Christian, they consider them as “Holy
and Reverent”.
Why this double
standard and why this hatred for Jesus? Because, the Talmud tells the Jew: “All
property of other nations belong to the Jewish nation, which consequentially,
is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples.” “A Jew is not bound to observe principles of
morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if
profitable to him or to Jews in general” (Schalchan arach Choszen Hasispat
193.7) “What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep” (Sanhedrin 57 a)
As for the hatred for
Jesus, it’s because Jesus spoke the truth about the personification of the
mongrelized: the Pharisees. See (Apocalypse 2:9) supra.
About 95% of world
Jewry is eastern European Ashkenazi, a racial stock comprised of Khazar-Edomite
blood. Jacob remained racially pure, while his brother, Esau took alien wives.
Therefore, it’s impossible for Edomite Jews to call themselves Israelites.
These Edomite Jews
(Zionists) represent the evil and wickedness of an antichrist nature that
continues to this day. They’re descendants of Esau and are the enemies of God.
We see them perverting everything good for their evil agenda. It’s going on
right now throughout the world and especially in our Congress.
Here’s the ugly truth:
Jews chair a vast
array of the Senate and House committees that oversees every aspect of
government affairs. They have taken control of the most important House and
Senate committees. Every Zionist with their Zionist puppets supports Satanic
Israel with billions of Congressional taxpayer funded dollars--money that could
be best used for “legitimate” purposes.
Money and media is the
formula for the Zionists political hegemony. In plain words, Zionist money has BOUGHT
AMERICA through the corruption of our politicians; and Zionist media has
promoted their political agenda using secrecy and concealment of information to
the American people while the Zionist shill politicians, obviously for monetary
and re-election reasons, go along with them and the Zionist dominated news
media “hushes it up”.
Christ-hating Zionists
control Capitol Hill, the Constitution and America. Their loyalties lie strictly
with Satan’s Israel--not Americas loyalty. Their goal is to control the goy
politician and every other goy they can set sight to. Can anyone doubt they’ve
not had a high degree of success--especially so when we see our politicians
“jumping” to their snapping $ fingers?
When you see these Zionist puppets, from the
White House on down, siding with Satan’s Israel, what proof is lacking that the
Zionists are not in control?
In a 2008 article in
the Chicago Jewish News, titled “Obama and the Jews,” prominent Jews are
quoted saying: “Jews made Obama. Wherever you look there is a Jewish presence.”
Through the Zionist
domination of Congress with its Congressional Committee, a system that has
control of strategic and important House and Senate Committees and multi dozens
of Congressional Subcommittee, the U.S. Government supports the building of
illegal settlements in occupied territories; it defends the Jewish attack on an
unarmed humanitarian flotilla; ignores Israeli concentration camps like the Ketziot
that violates International Law; it turns a blind eye to nuclear proliferation
by Israel; it sends our military to fight wars demanded by Israel, and, it
supports many other illegal Zionist acts.
Worse of all, is the
Global Anti-Semitism Awareness/Review Act (GA S-A/RA) created into law led by
Zionists Benyamin Korn and Eli (the
Weasel) Weasel to squelch resistance to Zionist crime.
GA S-A/RA was passed
into law making it a crime to: express virulent criticism of Israeli’s leaders,
past or present; define and criticize a person (as anti-Semitism) for making
any assertion that, the Jewish community controls government, the media,
international business and the financial world; place the blame on Jewish
leaders and their followers for inciting the Roman crucifixion on Christ;
criticize the Jewish religion or its religious leaders with emphasis on the
Talmud and Kabbala. And other ludicrous and unconstitutional GA S-A/RA
What did this kosher
inspired congress and their shills intend to convey by enacting such an
unconstitutional law? Simply this: SHUT UP—GOY. It’s all about gagging anyone
that criticizes Zionist illegal and evil activities.
Who but the Zionists
could come up with such an absurd law as the GA-SA/RA that forbids anyone that
talks back to a Zionist should be charged with a crime? And what kind of stooges
would go along with it?
Under “colorable law”
(the conduct or action of somebody having government authority that is NOT
WITHIN THE LAW), these Zionist stooge politicians cave in to their evil Zionist
masters. The violation under the “color of law” by our politicians depicts
perfectly the kind of Congressional stooges we have that go along with these
evil Zionists.
Does not Nancy Pelosi,
Joe Bidden, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton to name just a few--
ring a bell?
There’s no doubt about
it the Zionists dominate Capitol Hill-- and Capitol is not all they
dominate—they control many other world governments, world finances and, as we
all know by now—most all of the media of every sort with multi-billionaire
Zionist/Atheist George Soros leading the pack. This is no secret, the Zionist
brag that they own just about all of the media in the Western World—lock, stock
and shekel.
In the end they’ll be
snared because these Zionists are on the losing team—Satan’s team. They’ll be
as the rich man and Lazarus. For these poor souls, the Zionist and especially
their Christian shills who ought to know better, HEED ATTENTITVLY the Biblical
story of the rich man and Lazarus:
“There was a certain
rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen; and feasted sumptuously
each day. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, who lay at his gate
full of sores, desiring to be filled with the crumbs that fell from the rich
man’s table, and no one did give him, moreover the dogs came and licked his
And it came to pass,
that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom.
And the rich man also died: and he was buried in Hell. And lifting up his eyes
when he was in torments, he saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom: and
he cried, and said: Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he
may dip the tip of his finger in water, to cool my tongue: for I am tormented
in this flame.
And Abraham said to
him: Son, that thou didst receive good things in thy lifetime, and likewise
Lazareth evil things, but now he is comforted; and thou art tormented. And
besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos: so that
they who would pass from hence to you, cannot, nor from thence come hither.
And he said: then
Father, I beseech thee, that thou wouldst send him to my father’s house, for I
have five brethren, that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into
this place of torments.
And Abraham said to
him: they have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. But he said: No,
Father Abraham: but if one went to them from the dead, they will do penance.
And he said to him: If
they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe, if one rises from
the dead.” (Luke 16: 19-30)
In our blog post: “What?
Black snowflakes falling in Hell?” St. Leonard tells that lost
Catholics are lodged lower in Hell than Jews.
Considering that
Catholics (and other “Christians”)
having knowledge of Christ whereby Jews don’t know Christ (otherwise
they wouldn’t blasphemy Him as they do), it stands to reason that lost
Christians would receive a more severe punishment in Hell than Jews.
Makes one wonder what
goes through the minds of these political Zionist shills that call themselves
However, punishment
these Zionist and their shill’s will receive for acting like the rich man and
abusing the Lazarus’s of the world--unless they change their evils ways.
Hopefully they will not forget--THERE IS A JUDGMENT DAY!
So where do we go from
here to curb the Zionist hegemony? Our fervent answer here at the Shrine
this is impossible: but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19: 26)
Pray the Rosary, wear
the Brown Scapular, and pray for the conversion of these perfidious Zionists
and their disillusioned Zionist Puppets.