The Zionists own the Hollywood film industry--and just about
everything else. Their Jewish names appear like pages out of an Israeli phone
book--except when they change their Jewish names to gentile names. It’s Interesting
to note that Hollywood mogul, Cecil B. De Mille repeatedly insisted he was a
gentile, but at his funeral, a rabbi presided over his grave.
Zionists use the movie industry to promote their global agenda, control
and demoralize the “Goyim cattle”, (as their Talmud refers to gentiles), and
especially, to defame Jesus whom they bitterly hate.
They go out of their way to make movies and documentaries that reek
with anti-Christian filth and debase Our Lord Jesus. To name a just a few: “Last temptation of Christ”, “The Da Vinci
Code” “What Bones of Jesus?”
A recent television report revealed that Zionist Hollywood movie
makers are at it again making a movie that perverts the Holiness of Jesus. In
this latest movie Jesus is portrayed as the son of a prostitute. This is just
another of a long list of Hollywood “Jesus bashing” movies that distorts
Biblical history.
Why do the Zionists so bitterly lie and hate Jesus and Christianity? Their proclivity to lie obviously comes from
their Cabalistic belief in theosophy, theurgy, and mystical Spiritual
interpretive methods. The following are some other reasons…
Christianity through the teaching of Jesus tells Jews what they don’t
want to hear:
1. They must value spiritual
things above worldly things. That’s a biggie that goes against their grain.
2. They must repent their sins.
Instead they add to their sins.
3. That all men can become “One in Christ”. That rubs them the wrong
way. They find it repugnant to believe as the Goyim. They wish to be the elite
and treat gentiles as “cattle”, as is taught in their Talmud. Most of all their hate spews out because they
hate being told their leaders committed Deicide
against Jesus Christ. They refuse to accept that truth and blame others for
the crime they committed against Jesus.
But perhaps the most compelling reason for their hatred is because of
the derogatory teachings in their Talmud. This one in particular which states: “Jesus is in Hell boiling in hot excrement and
semen”. (Gitten 57 a.)
How strange it is--if a Goy utters anything about a Jew--even though
it be true, as recorded in their Talmud at Gitten 57 a,—it’s considered a hate
crime. But when a Jew blasphemies Jesus Christ, the One True God, we hear no
cry of hate coming from their mouth.
Satan is behind it all. He wants to lead God’s people off to the side
and he uses the Zionists, his earthly agents, to do his bidding. They are
behind the Inter-faith Movement, the New Age, and all false religions, more
than the public realizes.
Alice Bailey, who took over Theosophy from Helena Blavatsky, said: “the Christian church in its MANY BRANCHES
can serve as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished.”
Emphasis added.
And here’s some of what her heroine, Helena Blavatsky, founder of
modern Theosophy had to say: “And now it stands proven that Satan, or the Red
Fiery Dragon…and Lucifer, or Light Bearer, is in us: in our mind”. And, “Satan
is the god of our planet and the only god”. Do you see the connection between
Theosophy and the Zionist following of Cabalism?
What if Christians were to make movies that portray Moses as a
homosexual? Portray Sarah as a whore and
Jacob and Isaac as bastards? What then would these Hollywood Zionists say—if
indeed they would be the least bit concerned. I don’t think that’s a hard
question to answer. They would cry out loud
But have you noticed that GOYS do not make movies that tell lies about
Jews? Instead, Christians are implored to
pray for the conversion of these misguided Zionist souls because, the One they
hate, Our Lord Jesus, loves them equally as He loves all His children and He
commands us “Goys” to pray for their conversion.
“But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you:
and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you.” (Matthew 5:44)