Saturday, March 12, 2011


The Catholic Church was established by Jesus Christ. It is Holy, Catholic (universal), Apostolic and the one and only church established by Christ. It is holy because it was founded by Christ Himself, who is all holy. It is catholic (universal) because it is empowered to receive all men in all places at all times. It is apostolic because it was established by Christ on the apostles and has continuously been governed by their lawful successors. The emphasis here is: lawful.

The lawful church (Traditional Church) is administered using the Latin Tridentine Mass that has been codified by St. Pope Pius V in The Decree of Quo Primum on July 14, 1570. It reads: “It shall be unlawful henceforth and forever throughout the Christian world to sing or read Masses according to any formula other than this Missal published by us. This present Constitution can never be revoked or modified, but shall forever remain valid and have force of law…And if, nevertheless, anyone would ever dare attempt any action contrary to this Order of ours, handed down for all times, let him know that he has incurred the wrath of Almighty God, and the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.” The emphasis here: dogmatically and infallibly.

Why did St. Pope Pius V decree Quo Primim? He done so in order to stop the practice of the changing of words and meanings in the Holy Mass that was taking place at that time by certain priests. Latin is a dead language, therefore it prohibits error and misfeasance entering into the Mass, as was taking place at that time and is now taking place by the Vatican II Church. One such example: the elimination of the word many in the confection of the Holy Eucharist, and replacing it with the word all. This totally changes it’s meaning.

Jesus used the word many at the Last Supper—not all. He knew many would be saved, not all would be saved. Scripture is clear. His Words are not to be added to or to be taken away from. (Apocalypse 22:18,19).

The arguments the Vatican II Church gives, and its brainwashed congregation are given, hold no water. E.g. Jesus came for all people; Nothing is impossible with God; Many and all have the same meaning. Yes, Jesus came to save all of mankind, but is all of mankind saved? If so, why Hell? Yes, nothing is impossible with God. We all know that. Scripture tells us that. But is that to be taken to mean that God would contradict Apocalypse 22:18-19 the words He Himself inspired to be written? For those who believe that many and all have the same meaning, surely they have not cracked open Merriam Webster’s Dictionary.

The most devastating factor with changing the word from many to all is…the Holy Eucharist is NOT confected! It does not become the Body and Blood of Jesus.

“If anyone removes or changes anything in the form of the Consecration of the Body and Blood, and by this change of words, does not signify the same thing as these words do, he does not confect the Sacrament.” St. Pope Pius V in De Defectibus Ch.5, Part 1.

Even worse yet, those following the Vatican II Church, are outside of God’s One True Church. Here’s what Pope Pius IX in (Anantissimus #3, April 8, 1862) had to say in this regard:

“He who desserts the Church will vainly believe that he is in the Church, whoever eats of the lamb and is not a member of the Church, has profaned.”

According to this infallible decree, all Masses which use “all” in the consecration are invalid.”

The Council of Florence, in 1442, declared that the following words MUST be used for a valid Consecration in the Mass:

“Wherefore the words of Consecration, which are the form of this Sacrament, are these: ‘For this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the new and eternal testament, the mystery of faith: which shall be shed for you and for MANY unto the remission of sins.”

St.Ambrose sums it up nicely: “He is unworthy who celebrates the mystery otherwise than as Christ delivered it.”